It's Monday.
F*CK my life, it's Monday.
It's not that I dont like school, Tatum is great. It's the fact that Monday is the begining of the routine. Wake up, drive to school, First, Second, Third, Lunch, Smoke break, Fourth, Fifth, Drive home. Sometimes I get to throw "Go see Summer" in there. Normally I don't. I get so sick of doing the same thing, day after day. I know life is about routine, but I say F*ck that.
I spent the weekend in houston, got to get a few things out of my system. Got to see Kelsey, Party with some old friends, See people from my old school, hang with people Ive missed. It was alot of fun, but it was all I needed. Every now and then I start to miss my old life, and need to go live through it for a couple days to make sure I'm actually where I need to be. I am.
I've missed Summer Rain terribly. This was the first weekend that we haven't spent together in forever and it sucked. I'm hoping to see her today or tomorrow or ASAP. I'm happiest when I'm with her, there really is no substitute.
In other news, I got the lead male role in I Never Saw Another Butterfly. My school is performing it for UIL one act. I'm really excited for this show because I was in it back in '07, I played the lead girl's older brother. In that performance I cussed, got slapped, married my dream girl, and died. In the performance I give a girl food and flowers, work in a field, write poetry, and die. Honza's still an OK role, but he's kind of a panzy.
More later, it's going to an interesting week.
- Sparky